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Inspiration is a verb.

Below, you will find the requirements to pass each belt. Click on the "More Information" link at the bottom of each belt explanation to get a full description of each belt and to see examples of what students have done to acquire each belt.

White Belt: Initiative

The most basic internal power of any human being is the power of initiative, the power that any of us has to take action to make our lives better.

Requirement to Earn White Belt
Students must identify three significant opportunities for themselves to take initiative, and record and act on all three.

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Yellow Belt: Contribution

Individual success can only get us so far—we must connect our own success to the success of our community.

Requirement to Earn Yellow Belt
Students must take specific actions to make a positive impact on each of the following groups: 1) their family/home unit 2) one specific fellow student 3) the school community 4) the larger community. Students must work within a group for at least one of their four contributions.

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Green Belt: Discipline

One-time action is limited. Consistent action over time, aimed at clear goals, is required for the accomplishment of anything extraordinary in life.

Requirement to Earn Green Belt
Students must set one specific, measurable goal, and work on it consistently, recording their daily progress for 30 days.

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Blue Belt: Courage

No individual can sustain high achievement without developing the ability to overcome life’s inevitable challenges.

Requirement to Earn Blue Belt
Students must take four acts of courage including trying something impossible, creating an inspiration folder, and asking for help.

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Black Belt: Awareness

For the highest levels of success, students must learn to think about how they are thinking, to eliminate mental blind spots and proactively create positive thought patterns.

Requirement to Earn Black Belt
Students must identify at least one mental blind spot they would like to address and one new mindset they would like to adopt and then embark on an internal journey for thirty days where they journal about how they are implementing their new mindsets. Students must also teach two people the Mental Karate Survivor System.

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Jigna is a word from Ethiopia/Eritrean culture that describes a legendary, heroic warrior who can never be defeated.

Every year, Mental Karate selects up to five Jignas from across the country. Only students who reach Black Belt are eligible to become Jignas. Jignas will be selected on the basis of the actions they took to reach each belt.

To be considered, all Black Belts should write a detailed description of their journey to Black Belt and email it to




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